Monday, September 13, 2010

My Pet Peeves.....

Admitting that I have Pet Peeves would also indicate that I may in fact have a tendency to think I do nothing that would frustrate others; and you would be right. I am a conscientious individual, I tend to keep to myself, and I try not to be a bother to others.  Some days obviously more than others certain actions of others; will bother me, irritate, or throw me into a tither of bitching, moaning and whining. It would seem to me that the longer list of “to dos” I have the higher population of idiots there seems to be. Of course the days I have nothing “to do”….. no waits at the grocery store, all sale products are available, no red lights…and basically no morons are in sight.

New Social Rules to be posted in all Public Places

1)      If you run into someone you have not seen in many years; DO NOT leave your cart in the middle of the isle blocking all others from passing. Do not ignore the plight of others just wanting to get their toilet paper. Do however get their number and plan to meet outside the grocery store.

2)      If you are old….give your lists to someone else to do for you. Just stay home

3)      If you have children that throw tantrums, bring them to where ever I am located in the store, I will gladly smack them for you

4)      If you can’t drive 10kms OVER the speed limit, change the radio station, talk on a cell phone and light a cigarette at the same time…..get the fudge of the road.

5)      Business men, no pompous business men that are loud and obnoxious, chew your gum without mimicking a cud chewing cow, no one cares you have a blackberry, and when you think people are looking at you….they are but please know they are judging you and laughing AT you…

6)      People that brag about their children… philosophy set the bar low so that when others  meet your children they are surprised  with their abilities

7)      Foreign Language …… How you say? Exactly Immigration office called your passport has been ..How you say? Oh ya…..Bye Bye

8)      Proper Attire People……who told you that crotch floss sticking out the back of your jeans is attractive? And why do you feel it is necessary to show the world your tattoos of shit that won’t mean jack shit to you in 2 years from now?
9)      All cell phone numbers should be your license plate number, so that I can call you and tell to turn your indicator off, learn how to drive and tell you to go fudge yourself without having to shoot you the bird.

10)  When in a Tim Hortons Drive Thru….please order 1 or 2 coffees, not for the entire office and please no sandwiches, bagels and cookies. Get out of your car you lazy ass!.....

Ok I am done with stating Pet peeves for the night; ten is enough for today…. Please people just think of what you are doing and if you feel that you can’t follow the Social Rules I have requested to be placed in all public places…….. Just know I grocery shop on Fridays at Zehrs, then go to The Royal Bank to pay bills, and usually take Tecumseh Road or Riverside Drive, stay away from those locations……Thank you


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey old people have the right to shopping therapy. My ol ladys aunt has asthema real bad and has to use drive thrus. I didnt realise you were god and got to decide what everyone is suppost to do. (Budda not happy) :O

  3. Well Wu...the blog was done in good humour, I have nothing against old people....No I don't think I am God!I am just a cranky almost old lady..thanks for reading and commenting even though Budda may not be happy with my comments. :)
