Sunday, March 2, 2014

Day 16-Time

Minutes turn to hours and hours into days, months to years. Stop , please stop what you are doing and think of where time has gone….

I find myself hating time; it is my enemy. There is just never enough of it. We live in the fast lane every single day, rushing here and rushing there. And we have to….. The demands on us as people are an incredible burden; even the things we love to do cause us to always be on the chase. I wish I could throw out all of the clocks and calendars in my home; they are painful reminders that there is a measure of time…. to our life. It; LIFE happens so fast.

I am going to do this, or I was going to do that…..every single person on this planet says “there is just not enough time in the day”…I agree in fact, there just is not enough time in life to get it all done. But what we hope to God happens is that we get all the important stuff done…

The anticipation of what lies ahead is almost unbearable and we feel that it will never arrive. “I want to go to bed and wake up when the day arrives”….and yet once it comes; time devours it and it becomes a distant memory. Expecting your first child for example…. Each day for nine months we pray that the day will be upon us; she is now almost 21 years of age. Where was I and how did this happen

We stand still in time for only a few moments with each incredible blessing that transpires in our life time. Could you imagine if we had the ability to freeze time but to only relish in the moment? There are many times in my life that I would love to revisit and not only in my mind. Nostalgia is one of the greatest gifts we could ever give ourselves….oh how we all love the idea of familiar thoughts and events, warmth, comfort and joy from the people and places we had and went when we were young. These my friends are the memories of yesterday that hold ourselves in the future and allow us to find a reason to smile and hold joy amongst our deepest darkness and pain.

We grieve the loss of our loved ones and we cry with pain and yet a smile warms our hearts and we fill with laughter as we are able to recall the events and situations that define our relationships with the ones we love. “Remember when we….” And the laughter ensues……. That is nostalgia, which is our memory; that is our joy. Think of a song you loved as an adolescent and instantly you are transported back to that very day; that very moment… feel good.

Time is too slow for when we anticipate, too fast when we have fear, too long when we grieve, too short when we rejoice…but when we love and have faith; THAT time will be for all eternity…. And I am thankful for that. To know that my love for the people in my life will be celebrated and enjoyed without the shackles of time is joyous…….

Time cannot be a barrier to us, we cannot allow this to happen. To fight time and to win the battle against it is to defeat it by controlling it. Control time? By forcing yourself to use it wisely; to your advantage and never waste one precious moment of it. Take the goodness out of life and do exactly what you need to do in your life to make memories and events that will allow you to revisit them when you need the reminders of how good life is. 

If time was measured in dollars and cents and not in seconds and minutes would you not change the way you spend it? Is that person or event worth the money to be spent or is it a waste? Can we not realize that time is spent to never be returned or replenished? Yesterday is only to serve as a reminder as to where you were not to be wasted by living there…it is to bring us to tomorrow with perhaps a small lesson to brighten the next day. Reflections are an important part of life but we should not ……never ever waste today or tomorrow with living in what has already happened.

I heard in early December that I was to have surgery and I was elated that I had plenty of time to prepare and yet I am reflecting today and realizing that in 2 weeks I will be in the hospital…. I can’t stop the ticking of my matter how hard I try. I am terrified of wasting my days with nonsense or unimportant details. I want to savour each moment and ingest all the goodness that surrounds me. I feel like I am eating one of my favourite desserts and saddened that I am about to enjoy the very last bite…. I want another piece.

I have grandiose plans…there are so many people that I want to spend time with, have coffee with, wrap up with a blanket and hold….I have 14 days before I go. I am frustrated with time. I want it to stop right now! I want to create more memories and do more with my life…but time is a bastard. 

I don’t want to waste it talking about negativity or the past; unless it is of the days when we all were together and laughter filled the room…I don’t want to revisit pain or regrets. They happened; they are done.

Please do me a favour and listen to your hearts and listen to your soul……do what makes you smile, do what makes your soul sing with joy. Life is measured by time…don’t waste it worrying; waste it doing. Love the people around you and tell them that you do; don’t make them wonder. Tell them why you love them not just that you do. Forgive yourself and the ones around you so that you can empty your “bucket” of pain and replenish it with joy. Do not wait to have that conversation that you have always longed to have; speak it, make your words be heard. 

Life is a mere second and should never be taken for granted; ever. Nor are the people in your life. Take but a small second to think of how you want to spend your minutes…..

Just a few thoughts

Sights, sounds and certain fragrances are reminiscent to

A time and place in our lives that moved you or left an impermeable

Mark on your soul…

The smell of a baby, is genuinely the aroma of beginning

The sonance of a cricket, majestic in the night,

The sight of a blue heron gliding through the air, gangling perfection of flight

The dew upon the grass, the return of school days in early September

The colour of the autumn leaves in Ontario, a ride in the countryside

Black sky painted with a million diamonds to wish/dream upon

A lit Christmas tree dancing on the ceiling of a dark room

The crackling sound of the logs in the fireplace being ensued by flame

The aroma of your mothers Sunday meal, and the anticipation of eating with family

The sight of puppies in a wicker basket, a small boy with a sweater

Warm baked cookies and a fresh glass of milk

Saturday morning cartoons as a child in your pajamas, with a bowl of cereal and toast

The sound of rain along the pane of your window, like a cleansing of the mind

The very first kiss…you can still feel it in your knees

A butterfly nestling in the petals of a flower, a companionship of nature

A bride with her father on the isle…a pathway from child to woman

The sound of your child’s cry for the first time,

The first glance at your son/daughter….. A photograph etched upon your heart

The touch of someone you love….

Thoughts of family and the comfort of knowing where you belong

A friendship so powerful/ being chosen as their family

The celebration of true soul mates as your soul turns to one

Life being lived ………..smiling from its’ return


This is where I have spent my life "MY TIME"
My greatest joy~ My Family

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