Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 1- Gratitude

Lord I am not worthy to receive you but only say the word and I shall be healed. I pray to you today Lord for peace and to have my pain and suffering healed. I ask that you give guidance to my surgeon and that he may be able to remove the cancer that has plagued me. I ask that you surround my husband, my children and my family with your healing grace and to give them the comfort that they will need for the duration of this day. I ask that you send my angels to protect my children; Peg & Patty.... I am counting on you. You have already shown me that you are there. (Thank you)

I ask that each of you reflect today upon my journey and to take the time today to reflect upon your own. I am fighting for my life today and I know with every ounce of my being that I will pull through just fine. Each of you have been such a blessing in my life and I am so very thankful for your kind words, your praise and your belief in me. I am humbled by the out pouring of love and support. 

Today is a bit of a scary thing for me only in that I am unsure of what my recovery will entail but I do know that I am going to face it head on and get back to where I need to be, so that I can get on with living the good life. To my chocolate teddy bear... you have been my rock. I have no idea where I would be if it were not for you and your grace. You are truly an amazing man....Patty was a very blessed and lucky woman to have had you through her journey. xo

It is St. Patrick's Day! So go have a toast and celebrate this glorious day. I have my St. Patrick by my side today. I have been with my family since last night...I am savoring the memory of what we shared. I am such a blessed woman. I fear nothing today as I know I am in good hands. Raise your glass and toast for me , for them and for you as today I am going to finally have this damn beast taken out of my no longer is allowed to dwell in my body, my mind nor more spirit. I am rejoicing today for I know this will hold true. I am so incredibly fortunate to have this happening. 

I never thought the day would come where I would be able to say that I am cancer free. Mark this day, March 17th 2014...... and dear Cancer -go f yourself.. (sorry Greg; for the potty mouth) But it is how I feel. I am dancing with joy as today will be my day. No matter what happens I am free. 

I love you all so very Berry much.

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