Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Why You Should Always be YOU

Have you ever looked into the mirror and fell in love with the person you see? I am not talking about how you look at one particular time for a specific event...I mean you; just the way you are...your beautiful one of a kind self. Do you really believe that there is not one single soul on this planet that is exactly like you? My children are often told that they look like me or that in some ways they behave like me; they obviously roll their eyes....but I remind them that they in some ways are "like" me but no one other person is me. I am Christine. They are just them. I am certain that many of my friends and family members are certainly thankful that there is no other Christine traumatizing the planet like I do, but I find comfort knowing that I am unique and precious just because of this very fact. Despite the fact that for most of my "growing years" my father wished and threatened upon me "when you grow up I hope you have a kid just like you"...ha ha.....close dad; they are a lot like me but no one is me; just me.
Being Christine is not a special event or circumstance that others need be jealous of, or envious of; as I am just me. There is nothing about me that stands out to the majority; but to my small circle of loved ones I am a celebrity. They love and adore me. That makes me wealthy. But not only does it make me a rich woman because they love me but because I love me as well. Now I haven't always loved myself, in fact I am just starting to realize the reasons I should love me; one reason for certain is that I am the only one just like me. God created me then broke the mold; as he did the same with you. We have been given a life and a story that dictates the "who" we are, and since no other person has experienced what you have; how can we ever be like another human being? I am certain that even identical twins have an increased amount of similarities and common character traits but are completely and utterly unique to one another.

 We spend so much time in our lives trying to fit in and be like others. We measure our worth and lives by all the wrong measuring sticks created by others. I know that I have wasted a great deal of time trying to be something that others will love and respect all the while selling myself short of who I really am. Yes there are times in our lives that we should gain particular traits from others and learn from other women or men as to "how to live" our lives better, but we shouldn't never try to be so much like some one else that we lose ourselves in "being "that other person. Besides there really can't be that much fun in being someone other than yourself; where is the joy in that? I am 43 years old, I run my own household, I have my own children and I still at times look outside of my own shell to see if there is something better out there for me; better than me. I read articles, books, quotes and blogs on a daily basis all in hopes of discovering a better way of being me. It all comes down to .....be me. Duh. I am the best gauge of where I need to be, and who I need to be.

I am not the most beautiful woman in the world and nor am I am the ugliest. I don't have a perfect body; but it is perfectly mine. I am not always funny; but I make myself laugh. I am not always the smartest person but I am willing to accept what I don't know and learn. I am not the best friend that everyone needs but I know that if you are my friend I love you and would do anything for you. I am not afraid of being by myself any longer; I am content with my own company. That comes from being settled inside and no longer fearing the effects of bad choices. 

I wonder how many years we waste trying to figure out how to change ourselves...when will we be just perfect, the way we are. Yes, yes there is a need to always change, adapt and re-invent yourself but I am talking about the very premise of you just being you; because you are YOU. I love the saying "be yourself everyone else is already taken."

Celebrate, spoil, and love yourself. If you don't who else will? Don't be afraid of who you are, embrace the unique person that you are and for God's sake stop worrying what others think of you. If people judge you it is only because they have no idea who they are and are using you as a measuring stick to gauge where they are. Feel sorry for them; not yourself, because you already know that you are beautiful, intelligent, unique and one of a kind.....and you are the very best at being you. 

I never thought the day would come that I would stand in front of my own mirror and smile. I am accepting of the woman I am and look at my "battle wounds" and know that not one other person on this planet has experienced what I have, nor has another person made me who I am today. I have been influenced by others but at the end of the day I am me because of me, and I love me today because I am the one and only me. Ha ha thank Heavens for Pat that there is not 2 of me.....Have a great day being you!

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