When we experience hardship of any fashion in life many
times we feel like we are all alone. Hardships are not measured in any form,
nor is there a scale to weigh them.
A lot of times I will be with a person who is sharing with
me and right in the middle of the conversation they will stop and say “I have
no right to complain, given what you are going through”. I never know what to
say in return. I will tell you how I feel when this happens. It truthfully
makes me feel horrible; and that is for many reasons. …I will list but a few
2- Pain is pain regardless from where it stems from
3-I feel defeated during the conversation as I
feel (at times) that acknowledge that my life “appears” to be harder than that
of another person ….my internalization is that my own situation is dire in your
I don’t want to hear that and I also don’t want to be the measure of whether or not your
life is good or worse. Sharing is not about allowing another person to walk
away from the conversation either feeling better because their own problem is
not as big as mine, and nor should a person walk away from a conversation
feeling that their own problem is too big… Lord knows I don’t want to spend
time with people who inadvertently feel better about their own lives because
they just sat with me and feel I am worse of then them….
No matter what
hardships are just hard. Hardships are hardships and pain is pain period. I CANNOT
say that enough!
Each of us have different thresholds of stress, pain, hardship
and just because I have weathered a few more storms than you does not mean your
threshold is “tolerable”…they are the same no matter how big or small your
stress is. You have to accept your hardships and difficulties in life to be in
a position to deal effectively with them. You can’t down play how you feel or
how you hurt, especially because someone else may have had a harder time or
harder life.
How many times have you yourself tried to help someone who is
struggling by saying “well at least you are not like so and so”… or "I lost
someone as well, you will get over it". Ok so now you have in a nonchalant but
very direct way said “put your big boy pants on and get over it.” Did you mean
it to sound that way? Of course not…but you did.
When someone is in a position to share with you how they
feel, don’t interrupt them and tell them why they shouldn’t feel that way or
shame them for feeling that their cross is too heavy to bare. Do we not do this
with our children? “get over it”, “it’s no big deal” “don’t cry” “suck it up” ……
a 5 year old child who lost their
favourite blankie…might have as much pain as a 45 year old man who just lost
his job…. Who is to say it’s not the same?
We all have hardships that are not the same in nature but
the feeling of helplessness is something we all share while experiencing them. So
the big question is…”how do you handle or deal with hardship?” The answer to
that is different for every situation, however no matter what it is you face
you have ‘got’ to face it head on
with the same magnitude of strength that the hardship is causing. AND surround yourself with people that
will help you get over it ….. or, at least even out the playing field that you
are battling on.
You are not alone in your struggles and should NEVER face things alone. EVER. How do I know this to be true? I
have been fighting for a long time alone…..and I have YET to win a battle. You
can’t do it alone. Find someone anyone to face your hardship with you. How many times in your life have you heard
someone say to you “OH my God, why didn’t
you tell me you were going through that?” “Oh My God I can’t believe you went through that and I didn’t know”…….I
have and let me tell you this I don’t feel any better after hearing that…I would
have felt better hearing “ok how do WE
get through this?”
It’s called finding faith in something, facing your fears
then sharing and then comes the really hard part…...healing. Find a support
system for you.
Ever hear the expression “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” well how about “what doesn’t kill you eats away at you until
you are weak”. That is where I sit; the very insides of me feel like they
are being gnawed at all the time. Cancer; pffffft that has nothing on my hardships!
In fact some days I look at my cancer as being the icing on my poo poo flour
Of course I always think of cancer as being another part of
me and not a complete part of me…weird, I do not ever think of it as “whole” problem but rather a single
problem in my bag of ism’s…besides isn’t cancer just a word anyway… many
problems I have faced have been a cancer to me ha in fact I have even met a few
people that ARE Cancer. (not nice but true…...at least no names)
What I am trying to get at is this…stop believing that your
hardship is too big to share or way too small to matter. It isn’t up to you to
decide the weight of its burden! You have the right to feel however you want
about your own hardship or pain level. What is NOT allowed is that you carry its weight alone. Hardships are the
stories that allow us to be in a position to share with others. And you know
what happens when we share…….we find comfort, acceptance and love for
ourselves. Sometimes we even learn how to appreciate other people for what they
have been through and survived in their life. Food for thought.