Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My Day With Sara

Yesterday after I worked in the garden I decided that I would head out for the day and spoil my 14 year old dog. Well even though technically she is a dog; to me she is a person and that is why her name is Sara. She is my very best friend in the whole wide world.  Sara was a twin born on September 17 2000. James was her brother; he passed away in February 2011. 

I packed a lunch and my camera and headed out to find a park where the two of us could hang out and relax for the day. As I began to pack the car she started to jump with excitement as she knew that we were about to go for a car ride. Once inside the car she leaped from back to front and visited each window of the car; she loves the wind on her face. The fact that she jumps from front to back is quite amazing considering the fact that she is 14 and requires us to carry her up and down the stairs in our home. I am not sure where she gets the energy or strength to behave like this in the car. 

Once we arrived at the park I put our blanket on the ground and unpacked the cooler. I made us each a peanut butter sandwich and cut up some fruit that we both enjoy. We ate our lunch as we watched the children playing on the swings, of course Sara never took her eyes off the children. I knew she was enjoying watching them; I wondered if it made her remember the days of our daughters when they were young and playing at the park. I looked at her and said “I know Mamma, they are all grown up now”…as if she could really understand me…. Anyways, she looked back at me and squinted her eyes as if to tell me she did remember.

Sara is that dog that never needs to be reminded of what is expected of her; she is very well trained. I can’t remember the last time she needed a leash or a reminder to stay in the yard. She just knows what is expected of her. Her routine at home is simple; every one of us spoils her…. Anyways as we laid down on the blanket for a nap I started to rub her back and I wondered what she would tell me if she could speak for for one day. I started to laugh at the thoughts of what she could tell me about when Pat and I go away and leave the girls alone….. but then my thoughts turned to sadness as she is 14 and not so healthy anymore.

I wondered about what kind of life she has had; have we been a good family to her? How much does she love us? I also wish that I could tell her and have her understand what she has done for me, and tell her how much joy she has brought to our home. I want to thank her for taking such good care of me. Did you know that when I arrived home from each hospital stay she never left my side? This last surgery she was obsessed with lying up against my abdomen; she was trying to keep my incision warm. I want to ask her how do dogs know this? How do dogs find illness in their human companions? 

After our nap the strangest thing happened, a flock of geese flew over and honked. I jumped up to look at them and for the first time ever she barked at the geese. I was so shocked and happy that I started to cry. I felt like she was finally acknowledging my love for the bird, and recognizing the power they have over me. They seem to settle me as I always, always have thoughts racing through my mind and for some reason or another when they fly over me and honk their song; I look at that as an answer. But for Sara to bark? It was amazing. 

After we left the park I was so excited that we had such a good time that I took her to Tim Hortons to get a plain timbit. We then went to McDonalds to get a kiddie cone as she LOVES them; oh and I might add the drinks are $1, Large Diet Coke for mamma! Haha. I spoiled her yesterday with every single thing she loved to do. She made my day. You know what…..I never thought of one single negative thing. I never once yesterday questioned a thing. Just being with her and focusing on making her day changed mine.  When we arrived home she simply went and crawled into her bed and pretty much stayed there until this morning; she was exhausted! 

I think that there should be a dog day like we have birthdays. Pets are special people.
Miss Sara

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