Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Measure Your Success by Your Own Stick…

When we find ourselves wondering if we are successful or not, by which measure do you use? It is very easy to compare ourselves to that of others; that perhaps appear to have much more than that of yourself. I mean to say, based on your age there are societal pressures that you should have achieved by a certain point; house should be owned, cars should be newer, perhaps a savings for your children’s education by now, and by some luck of the draw, maybe a cottage (if employment is good). All things considered this should be a refection of your profession, stature in the community.

What happens to us as individuals when we reconnect with people that have not been in our lives for a very long time; the usual verbiage of what we do for a living blah blah blah……. It seems to me though, that it becomes a proverbial pissing match. I am just saying… Why tell me; after not seeing you for 20 plus years that you have a mansion or a BMW or cottage or what have you. Is it really necessary to engage in such gluttony of pride? Am I your stick to measure yourself? So if you have more than me..that concludes you are successful?

Our need to engage in this type of meaningless conversation actually encourages the idea that we should have what our neighbour has or at least want what our neighbours have. Does this sort of thing not fulfill the whole “Jones’” cliché?  I mean sure those of us that have a great house, or nice car or any other toy that suits your fancy may be a reflection of hard work or perhaps an inheritance ( hey Marg....where there is a will I want to be in it). So why not say I am a hard worker, and allow me the opportunity to express my sincere delight in your “success.”

I sound bitter, but I am not. (Pffft) I just have really grown tired of the whole measure shit. Currently I have two very dear close friends that are struggling with life. Lack of direction, unworthiness….( oh and for the record the 2 friends I speak of are NOT, me and myself) It does not matter what I say to either one of them, they just feel behind the 8 ball. It saddens me greatly because I wonder why they could feel the way they do. I fear it is the fault of others; the brag shit, the judgments’ that are placed on the “not rich and famous”.

At the end of the day, who really gives a rats ass where you live or what you drive. I am proud of my friends who have gone on to reach their goals, not achieved notoriety of  an official “Position” , but who have become whatever they have set out to do. Minimum wage job, or high paying CEO. Life is all about doing something you love. If you love your job and are successful monetarily at it….. Good for you! If you hate your job, but it allows you the money to do what you love, Good for you! If you are like me; without a job and without money….become a professional procrastinator …next week sometime, write on your fuck it list, Get a job. Then cross it off and say fuck it.  

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